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  • Q1
    Who are the authors of "Precize Differential Equations II"?

    The book is authored by a team of distinguished scholars: Dr. G.S. Sandhu, B.K. Agarwal, Dr. Indu Jindal, Nirmala Rani, and Navneet Rana.

  • Q2
    Is this book aligned with the latest syllabus of Panjab University ?

    Yes, Precize Differential Equations II is meticulously crafted to align with the latest syllabus for the 4th semester of BSc students at Panjab University.

  • Q3
    Does the book provide practical applications of the concepts?

    Absolutely! The authors emphasize practical applications throughout the text, ensuring that students can apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios.

  • Q4
    Are there exercises included in the book?

    Yes, the book includes numerous exercises, examples, and review questions to facilitate active learning and help students assess their understanding of the material.

  • Q5
    Can this book help in exam preparation?

    Yes, this book is an excellent resource for exam preparation, as it covers the syllabus extensively and includes practical exercises to reinforce learning.

  • Q6
    Is this book suitable for self-study?

    Yes, Precize Differential Equations II is ideal for self-study, with clear explanations and step-by-step solutions that guide students through complex subjects.

  • Q7
    Are the concepts in this book relevant to real-world applications?

    Yes, the topics covered in this book have numerous practical applications in physics, engineering, and other fields. The book highlights how students can use the concepts to tackle real-world problems and challenges.

  • Q8
    Does the book provide any study tips or suggestions for students?

    Yes, the authors include valuable suggestions and study tips throughout the book to help students improve their learning and problem-solving skills. Students can learn how to effectively use the book, manage their time, and prepare for exams.

  • Q9
    How is the book structured?

    The book is organized into chapters that progressively build upon fundamental concepts, allowing students to grasp complex topics through a structured approach.


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Essay Type Question 
1. New Imperialism : 1871-1914
2. Congress of Berlin : 1878
3. Diplomatic Development in Europe
4. World War 1
5. Paris Peace Conference
6. Russian Revolution : 1917
7. Nationalism and Communism in China
8. Modernization of Japan
9. The Great Depression of 1929
10. Fascism and Nazism and World war 2
11. Post War Foundation and The Rise of Unipolar World
12. Map
Max. Marks : 100 Marks 
Theory : 90 Marks
Internals Assessment : 10 Marks
Time duration : 3 Hours

1. The syllabus has been divided into four Units.
There shall be 9 questions in all. The first question is compulsory and shall be there short answer types containing 15 short questions spread over the whole syllabus to be answers in about 25 to 30 words each. The candidates are required to attempt any 9 short answer-type question carrying 18 marks i.e. 2 marks of each. Rest of the candidate shall be given internal choice of attempting one question from each unit and 4 question in all. Each question will carry 18 marks.
2. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of inernal assessment.
3. one question from Unit-4 shall be set on the map.

1. Each essay type question would cover about one-third or one-half of a topic detailed in the syllabus.
2. The distribution of marks for te map question would be as under :
Map                             :  10 Marks
Explanatory Note       :  8 Marks
3. In case, paper setter chooses to set a question on important historical places,the paper setter will be required to ask the students to mark 05 places on map of 02 marks each and write an explanatory note on any 04 of 02 marks each.
4. The paper-setter would avoid repetiton between different types of question within one question paper. 

1. New Imperialism 1871-1914 : Main features ; Partition of Africa - Causes, colonization and impact
2. Congress of Berlin 1878 : Circumstances, Provisions and Significance.
3 Diplomatic Developments in Europe : Circumstances leading to the formation of Triple Alliance of 1882 and Triple Entente
4. World War 1 : Division of Europe into two blocks; Causes of the First World War.
5. Paris Peace Conference : Treaty of Versailles 1919 : provivions, mojor defects and their impact.
6. Russian Revolution 1917 : Causes and Consequences.

7. Nationalism and Communism in China : Causes for the nationalist revolution of 1911 and its results; circumstances leading to the revolution of 1949 and its results.
8. Modernization of Japan : Meiji restoration and modernization.
9. The Great Depression of 1929 : Causes of the Great Depression in the USA; its spread to Germany, France and Britain; its impact; Roosevelt's New Deal.

10. Fascism and Nazism and World War 2 : circumstances responsible for rise of Fascism under Mussolini in Italy; Nazism in Germany under Adolf Hitler.
11. Post War Foundations and the Rise of Unipolar World : NOTA, SESTO and Cold War; Factors leading to the collapse Soviet Commmunism and Soviet Union, 1985-1991; End of Cold War and US Ascendancy in the World as Lone superpower.
12 Map : 
(a)  Important Historical PLaces - Gemeva, Washington, Tokyo, Versailles, Johannesburg, Cairoc Jerusalem, Nagasaki, Warsaw amd Stalingrad.
(b)  Europe on the eve of word War 1.
(c)  Europe on the eve of World War 2.

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