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  • Q1
    Is this book aligned with the Panjab University syllabus?

    Yes, "Fortune: History and Culture of Punjab" closely adheres to the most recent syllabus prescribed by Panjab University, ensuring that students have a relevant resource for their studies.

  • Q2
    Does the book include educational tools like questions and exercises?

    Absolutely! The book includes short answer type questions strategically placed throughout the text to enhance comprehension and retention, helping students prepare effectively for their exams.

  • Q3
    What is the maximum mark distribution for the examination?

    The paper is evaluated with a total of 50 marks, comprising 45 marks for theory and 5 marks for internal assessment.

  • Q4
    Is there a map component in the syllabus?

    Yes, there is a map component included in Unit IV, which requires students to identify significant historical places related to Punjab and write explanatory notes.

  • Q5
    Does the textbook include references or suggested readings?

    The book includes a bibliography and references to various academic sources for further reading, helping students explore topics in more depth.

  • Q6
    What is the writing style of the authors?

    The authors, Raghunath Rai and Mini Grewal, employ an accessible and engaging writing style that is appropriate for students while also being informative for general readers.

  • Q7
    In which language is this book written?

    The book you are browsing is primarily in Hindimedium, making it accessible for English-speaking students. Additionally, it is also available in English version. This ensures that a wider audience can benefit from the content, regardless of their preferred language of instruction.


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1. Migration; Social and Economic Impact 2. Rehabilitation and Resettlement 3. Demand for Punjabi Suba and Reorganization act 1996 4. Green revolution and its impact 5. Education in Punjab 6. Political and Economic Development 7. Issues of Boundary water; Chandigarh 8. Social and Economic development of Punjab in 1980’s 9. Operation Bluestar and its impact 10. New social issues-Gender Discrimination, Drug menace, Farmer suicide 11. Development of Punjabi literature : Bhai Vir Singh; Shiv Kumar Batalvi; Amrita Pritam 12. Major Historical Places Short answer type questions

1. The syllabus has been divided into four Units.
There shall be 9 questions in all. The first question is compulsory and shall be short answer type
containing 10 short questions spread over the whole syllabus to be answered in about 25 to 30 words
each. The candidates are required to attempt any 5 short answer type questions carrying 5 marks i.e.
1 marks for each. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each Unit shall have two essay type
questions and the candidate shall be given internal choice of attempting one question from each UnitIV in all. Each question will carry 10 marks.
2. For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured
by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of
internal assessment.
The paper-setter must put note (2) in the question paper.
3. One question from Unit-IV shall be set on the map.

1. Each essay type question would cover about one-third or one-half of a topic detailed in the syllabus.
2. The distribution of marks for the map question would be as under:
Map : 6 Marks
Explanatory Note : 4 Marks
3. In case a paper setter chooses to set a question of map on important historical places, the paper setter
will be required to ask the students to mark 06 places on map of 01 marks each and write explanatory
note on any 02 of 02 marks each.
4. The paper-setter would avoid repetition between different types of question within one question

Paper: Max. Marks : 50
Theory : 45
Internal Assessment : 05
Time : 3 Hours

Migration and its Socio-Economic impact
Rehabilitation and Resettlement
Demand for Punjabi Suba; Reorganization Act 1966

Green Revolution and its impact
Development of Education
Political and Economic Development post 1966

Issues of Boundary; water; Chandigarh
Socio-Economic Development in the 1980’s
Operation Bluestar and its impact

New Social issues-gender discrimination, drug menace, farmer suicide
Development of Punjabi literature :BhaiVir Singh; Shiv Kumar Batalvi;AmritaPritam
Hissar, Chandigarh. 

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