Time : 3 Hours
Max. Marks : 100
Theory : 90 Marks
Internal Assessment : 10 Marks
Paper: Local Government(With special Reference to Punjab)
Meaning and Significance of Local Government.
Evolution of Local Government since 1882.
Role of Deputy Commissioner; Divisional Commissioner.
Rural and Urban Development: Dimensions and Issues.
The 73rd Constitutional Amendment - Provisions and its Impact.
Gram Sabha - Composition functions and Powers.
Panchayati Raj Institutions in Punjab - Structure,Functions, Sources of Finances,and Personnel.
The 74th Constitutional Amendment - Provisions and its Impact.
Urban Local Bodies - Structure, Functions and Sources of Finances.
Mayor - Position, Functions, and Powers.
Municipal Commissioner - Positions, Functions, and Powers.
State Control over Local Bodies.
State Finance Commission: Composition, Functions, and Role.
Provincialisation of Municipal Services.
Rural-Urban Relationship - Challenges and Remedies.