Theory Marks: 90
Number of lectures: 100
Time duration: 45 min
Objectives: This course will enable the student to understand the basic organization of computer systems and system maintenance.
(i) The syllabus of this paper has been divided into four sections.
(ii) The examiner will set a total of nine questions, comprising two questions from each section and one compulsory question of the short answer type covering the whole syllabus.
(iii) The students are required to attempt one question from each section and the entire compulsory question.
(iv) All questions carry equal marks, unless specified.
(v) The student can use only a non-programmable & non-storage type calculator.
Section A
1 Computer Organization: Evolution of Computers, stored program concept and Von Neumann architecture, information representation and codes, combinatorial blocks: Gates, multiplexers, decoders, encoders, and sequential building blocks: Flip-flops, registers, counters, and arithmetic algorithms: Addition and subtraction for signed magnitude and 2’s complement numbers, integer multiplication using shift and add, Booth’s algorithms, integer and floating point representation. (No. of periods: 25)
Section B:
2 Architecture of a simple processor: An instruction set, addressing modes, instruction formats, instruction execution in terms of microinstructions, the concept of interrupts, and simple I/O organization, O/I organization: Strobe-based and handshake-based communication, vector and priority interrupts, and DMA-based data transfer; CPU organization with large registers, stacks, and handling of interrupts and subroutines. Concept of bus, data movement among registers, data movement from/to memory. (No. of periods: 25)
Section C
3 Memory Organization: RAM, basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, building large memories using chips, associative memory, cache memory organization, virtual memory organization. Assembly language programming: Machine and assembly language, pseudo operations, subroutines in assembly language, assembly programs:- To add/subtract two numbers, program to input/output one character, program to demonstrate and use of subroutines. Register transfer language and micro-operation: language to represent conditional data transfer, arithmetic and logical operations, along with register transfer. (No. of Periods: 25)
Section D
4 System maintenance, physical inspection of a PC and internal cards, diagnostics on PC, functional description of various modules and cards. PC doctor, Norton, Symantec, steps of diagnostics. Viruses, types of viruses. Detection, protection, and cure of viruses on a PC. (No. of Periods: 25)