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  • Q1
    What are the key topics covered in the manual?

    The manual covers a wide range of topics related to chordates, including dissection techniques, preparation of reagents, microscopy, embryology, osteology, and histology among others.

  • Q2
    How does the manual facilitate laboratory learning?

    It includes comprehensive laboratory directions, clear instructions for dissections, and the preparation of various biological specimens, ensuring students are well-prepared for practical sessions.

  • Q3
    Is there a special section on microscopy in the manual?

    Yes, there's a dedicated chapter that covers the use of microscopes, which is essential for students to master the tools required for their laboratory work.

  • Q4
    : Does the manual provide instructions for both dissection and histology?

    Absolutely! The manual offers detailed steps for dissection of various chordate classes and also includes histological studies of vertebrate tissues.

  • Q5
    What types of chordates do students study in this manual?

    Students explore a variety of chordate classes, including Protochordata, Cyclostomata, Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammalia, each with practical applications and detailed explanations.

  • Q6
    Are there illustrations included in the manual?

    Yes, the manual contains informative illustrations that accompany explanations, making complex concepts more understandable and accessible to readers.

  • Q7
    How does this manual support the syllabus requirements at Punjab University?

    The manual aligns closely with the university's syllabus for BSc zoology, ensuring that all the required practical skills and theoretical knowledge are covered comprehensively.

  • Q8
    Can students use this manual for self-study or revision?

    Yes, the structured approach and clear explanations make it an excellent resource for self-study and revision, helping students reinforce their learning.

  • Q9
    What practical skills can students expect to gain from using this manual?

    Students will develop practical skills in dissection, microscopy, specimen preparation, histological techniques, and an understanding of zoological principles related to chordates.

  • Q10
    Are guidelines for conducting practical examinations included?

    Yes, the manual includes guidelines for practical examinations, outlining the expectations for different tasks and assessments during practical assessments.


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Chapter-1:General directions for Laboratory work 


Chapter-3:Preparation of laboratory reagents 


Chapter-5:Preparation of permanent slides 

Chapter-6:Important mountings 

Chapter-7:Study of museum specimens(Museology)





Chapter-12:Class amphibia 



Chapter-15:Class Mammalia 

Chapter-16:Slides of protochordata

Chapter-17:Slides of cyclostomata 

Chapter-18:Slides of Fishes 

Chapter-19:Slides of Amphibia 

Chapter-20:Slides of Reptilia 

Chapter-21:Slides of Birds 

Chapter-22:Slides of Mammalia 

Chapter-23:Histology of some vertebrate tissues 

Chapter-24:Embryological slides 


Chapter-26:Skeleton of scoliodon 

Chapter-27:Skeleton of frog 

Chapter-28:Skeleton of varanus 

Chapter-29:Skeleton of Fowl

Chapter-30:Skeleton of Rabbit 

Chapter-31:Skeleton of Dog 

Chapter-32:List of chemicals and apparatus 

Chapter-33:Experimental biochemistry and physiology 


: Practical based on Theory Papers ZOO

1. Classification up to orders, habits, habitats, distinctive characters, and economic importance (if any) of the following animals:
Urochordata: Herdmania, Molgula, Pyrosoma, Doliolum, Salpa & Oikopleura.
Cephalochordata: Amphioxus.
Cyclostomata: Myxine, Petromyzon & Ammocoetes Larva.
Chondrichthyes: Zygaena (hammer-headed shark), Pristis (sawfish), Narcine
(Electric ray), Trygon, Rhinobatus, and Chimaera (Rabbit fish).
Actinoptergii: Polypterus, Acipenser, Lepisosteus, Muraena, Mystus, Catla,
Hippocampus, Syngnathus, Exocoetus, Anabas, Diodon,
Tetradon, cheneis, and Solea.
Dipneusti (Dipnoi): Protopterus
Amphibia: Uraeotyphlus, Necturus, Amphiuma, Ambystoma, and its Axolotl
larva, Triton, Salamandra, Hyla, Rhacophorus.
2. Demonstrate the dissection of the following animals through video clipping, charts, models, etc.
Herdmania: General anatomy Labeo: Digestive, reproductive systems, heart, afferent and efferent branchial arteries and cranial nerves.
3. Study of the skeleton of Labeo, Hoplobatrachus Tigerinus (frog)
4. Study of the following prepared slides:
T.S. Amphioxus through various regions.
Spicules & pharynx of Herdmania & pharynx of Amphioxus.
5. Study of the following prepared slides:
Histology of frog (compound tissues).
6. Recording of blood pressure of man
7. Estimation of hemoglobin content in blood.
8. Estimation of the presence of amylase in saliva, denaturation by pH and temperature.
9. Field study: Visit to a fossil park/museum. Familiarity with the local vertebrate fauna and report. 

Guidelines for Conduct of Practical Examination
Max. Marks: 20
Practical Exam. : 18 marks
Internal Assessment: 2 marks
Time: 3 hours

1. Draw a labeled sketch of the -------- system of the given animal and explain it to the examiner. 
2. Identify the given bones, A & B. Make labelled sketches of their respective ________ views.
3. Minor experiment of physiology related to blood/osmosis/diffusion. 
4. Perform the given physiology experiment, write the procedure, and show it to the examiner, such as
identification of some foodstuffs/presence of chloride or glucose in urine, etc./Salivary Amylase/Blood. 
5. Identify the slides F-H, giving two reasons for each identification.
6. Identify and classify the specimens F to I up to orders. Write a short note on the habitat of F, special
feature of G, feeding habit of H, and economic importance of specimen I. 
7. Viva-voce. 
8. Notebook and Project Report.

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