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Time  : 3 Hours 
Max. Marks : 90 

General instructions for the paper - setter and candidates. 
(i).The syllabus has been divided into four units.
There shall be 9 questions in all. The first questions is compulsory and shall be short answer type containing 15 short questions spread over the whole syllabus to be answered in about 10-20 words each. The candidates are required to attempt any 9 short answer type questions carrying 18 marks i.e., 2 marks of each. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each unit shall have two essay type questions, and the candidates shall be given internal choice of attempting one question from each UNIT-4 in all. Each question will carry 18 marks.

ii).For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lie of the internal assessment.
The paper setter must put note (2) in question paper.

Theoretical Framework 
1.Meaning : Nature and scope of Comparative Government and Politics.
2.Comparative Methods.

1.The British Political System-Salient features and conventions.
(i)Monarchy: Difference between King and crown, Nominal and real position, justification of Monarchy.
(ii)Features of Parliamentary/Cabinet Government.
(iii)Prime Minister: Composition, Powers, Position and Role.
(1)House of Lords: Composition, Powers, Criticism and Utility.
(2)House of Commons: Composition, Powers, Mutual relations between house of lords and house of commons.
(i)Organisation of Courts in U.K.
(ii)Rule of Law.

1.The Constitutional Framework of U.S.
(i)Salient features.
(ii)Separation of powers and checks and balances.
(iii)Federal system: Meaning, Features, Tendency towadrs Centralization and its future.
(i)Elections of U.S. President.
(ii)Composition,Powers and Position if U.S. President.
(i)House of Representative - Composition, Power, House of representative is the weakest chamber.
(ii)Senate - Composition, Powers,  Most of powerful second Chamber, mutual relations between house of representatives and senate.
(i)Supreme court - Organisation, Composition, powers and its role.
(ii)Power of Judaical review.

1.Political Parties and Interest/Pressure groups of U.K. - Nature and Role.
2.Political Parties and Interest/Pressure groups of U.S.A. - Nature and Role.

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