Syllabus : MBD Sociology BA 4th Semester Panjab University, Chandigarh
Max. Marks : 100
Theory : 90 Marks
Internal Assessment : 10 Marks
Time : 3 Hours
(i) For written paper, the students will be required to attempt five questions in all. Question No. I
will be compulsory comprising of 12 short answer type questions of 2 marks each and will cover
the entire syllabus. The students are required to attempt 9 short answer type questions out of 12
i.e. 9 × 2 = 18 marks.
In addition to it, Question Nos. II to IX will consist of long answer (essay type) questions, two
questions from each unit with internal choice carrying 18 marks each i.e. 4 × 18 = 72 marks.
(ii) On an average, 15 hours are to be devoted for each unit.
(iii) For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured
by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of
internal assessment.
The paper-setter must put note (iii) in the question paper.
In this paper, social institution as a concept is introduced to the students. Study of various institutions which are
foundations of human society, will help students to look at society in an objective and analytical way.
Course Work
Institutions – Meaning, Features; Normative and Relational aspects of Institutions.
Types – Social, Political, Economic and Cultural.
Difference of Institutions with Society Community and Association
Social Institutions :
Marriage –Types : Monogamy and Polygamy; Rules of Mate Selection, Contemporary Trends.
Family – Meaning, Types, Structure, Function; Development Cycle and Changing Trends.
Kinship – Meaning, Significance and a Brief Understanding of Incest, Consanguinity, Affinity, Clan, Lineage,
Contemporary Trends.
Political Institutions – State, Government and Political Parties – Features and Functions.
Economic Institutions – Features and Functions, Property, Division of Labour (Emile Durkheim).
Cultural Institutions – Religion : Meaning elements, Types, Functions (Emile Durkheim & Max