The manual is designed to provide BSc 1st Year Semester 1 students at Punjab University, Chandigarh, with a hands-on approach to zoological studies, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical exercises involving observation of animal specimens and slides.
The manual is authored by a respected team of educators, including Dr. Kavita Arora, Sukhnain S. Grewal, Dr. Falwinder Verma, Sarab Jote Bedi, Amritdeep Kaur, Dr. Mokshi, and Dr. Amrit Kaur Bansal.
Yes, the manual adheres to the NEP and meets the educational standards required for aspiring zoologists.
Semester 1 covers key topics such as Protozoa, Porifera, Cnidaria, Helminthes, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, and Echinodermata, featuring studies of permanent stained slides and museum specimens.
Students will study a range of specimens from various phyla, including Euglena, Amoeba, Porifera like Sycon and Euplectella, and Cnidaria such as Hydra and Physalia.
The manual encourages direct observation of specimens, allowing students to engage with the material through practical exercises and enhancing their understanding of zoological principles.
Semester 2 expands the scope of study to Protochordata, Agnatha, Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves, and Mammals, providing a comprehensive exploration of various animal classifications.
Students will enhance their observational skills, learn specimen identification, and develop techniques for studying the anatomy and classification of various animal groups.
While the manual focuses on practical application, assessments may involve reports on practical exercises, project work, and participation in discussions or labs.
Yes, the manual is designed to be accessible to all students, regardless of prior knowledge in zoology, catering specifically to first-year BSc students.
1.Protozoa:Study of permanent stained slides
2.Porifera:Study of permanent stained
Museum specimens of phylum porifera
3.Cnidaria:Study of permanent stained slides
Museum specimen of phylum cnidaria
4.Helminthes:Study of permanent stained slides
Museum specimens of phylum helminths
5. Annelida:Study of permanent stained slides
Museum specimen of phylum annelida
6.Museum specimens of phylum arthropoda
7.Mollusca:study of slides of radula of pila
Museum specimen of phylum mollusca
8.Museum specimens of phylum echino dermata
Study of permanent slides of herdmania
Study of museum specimens
2.Agnatha-Study of specimens
3.Pisces:study of specimens
4.Amphibia:Study of specimens
5.Reptilia:Study of specimens
6.Study of key for identification of poisonous and non-poisonous snakes venomous snakes in india
7.Aves:Study of specimens
8.Mammals-study of specimens