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Have Doubts Regarding This Product ? Ask Your Question

  • Q1
    What is the primary focus of "Precize Linear Algebra"?

    The book primarily focuses on foundational concepts related to linear algebra, including vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, and characteristic roots.

  • Q2
    Who are the authors of "Precize Linear Algebra"?

    The book is authored by Dr. G.S. Sandhu, Ritu Ahuja, and Sanjana Aggarwal.

  • Q3
    Is this book suitable for self-study?

    Yes, "Precize Linear Algebra" is designed with clear explanations and numerous examples, making it suitable for both classroom use and self-study.

  • Q4
    Is "Precize Linear Algebra" aligned with the syllabus for Panjab University?

    Absolutely! The book strictly adheres to the latest syllabus for B.Sc. 3rd Year, 6th semester at Panjab University, Chandigarh.

  • Q5
    What are the key topics covered in the book?

    The book covers key topics such as vector spaces, linear transformations, matrices, characteristic roots, and eigenvectors.

  • Q6
    How does this book approach complex concepts?

    The authors present complex concepts in a structured and student-friendly manner, ensuring accessibility and clarity for readers.

  • Q7
    Does the book provide practical applications of linear algebra?

    Yes, it includes practical examples that demonstrate the relevance of linear transformations in fields like computer graphics, engineering, and data analysis.

  • Q8
    Are there practice problems included in the book?

    Yes, the book features numerous examples and practice problems to reinforce understanding of the concepts.

  • Q9
    What pedagogical methods do the authors employ in the book?

    The authors employ clear explanations, defined terms, illustrative examples, and problem-solving exercises to aid comprehension.

  • Q10
    Does "Precize Linear Algebra" discuss advanced topics like the Cayley-Hamilton theorem?

    Yes, the book covers advanced topics, including the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, diagonalizable operators, and minimal polynomials, providing students with a comprehensive understanding of linear algebra.


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English for Empowerment

Poetry Section
5. Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.
6. I Will Embrace Only the Sun
7. Refugee Mother and Child
8. This is a Photograph of Me

Prose Section
5. On Shaking Hands
6. No Main Is an Island
7. Freedom of the Press
8. Decolonising the Mind

Composition Writing
1. Paragraph Writing
2. Report Writing

Integrated Revision of Grammar Through
University Question Papers
MBD Model Test Paper
University Question Paper,2022
Max. Marks : 50
Theory : 45 marks
Internal Assessment : 05 marks
Time : 3 Hours

To Teach Finer nuances of language through an integrated approach.
To acquire extensive knowledge of English as a language in its various textual forms and to become
thoughtful, imaginative and effective communicators in a diverse and changing society.
To write an effective business document (such as notice, advertisement etc.) which enable them to
think analytically.
To enhance their writing skill.
To acquire knowledge about various literary aspects through the text which capacitates them to
enrich their literary and cultural values.
To empower an average student in such a way that English learning becomes a pleasurable

English for Empowerment, Eds., G. Damodar, D. Venkateshwarlu, M. Narendra, M. Sarat Babu, G. M.
Sunderavalli, Hyderabad: Orient Blackswan, 2009.

Poetry Section:
i. Goodbye Party for Miss Pushpa T.S.
ii. I Will Embrace Only the Sun
iii. Refugee Mother and Child
iv. This is a Photograph of Me

Prose Section:
i. On Shaking Hands
ii. No Man is an Island
iii. Freedom of the Press
iv. An Except From Decolonizing the Mind

Section – A
Q.1. Reference to the context from Poetry. One out of two passages to be attempted. 5 marks
Q.2. Short answer type question from Poetry (in about 50-60 words). Five out of eight are to be attempted.
 10 marks
Q.3. Long answer type questions from Prose (in about 100-120 words). Two out of Four are to be
attempted. 6 marks

Section – B
Q.4. Paragraph writing (based on post-reading activities suggested in the prescribed texts)
One out of three is to attempted. 5 marks
(The examiner will set three topics for paragraphs writing from the post reading activities suggested
in the prescribed texts. While selecting this question, special care must be taken to borrow ideas from
the text or suitably modify them so as to identify viable topics that the students of B.A.(compulsory)
can easily handle.)
Q.5. Report writing (with internal choice)   4 marks
(The examiner will give information about some social issue, an event/incident, some topic of current
affairs etc. and will ask the students to write a report in about 100 words on the given topic. The
information can also be given in form of a dialogue on some issue of general interest. The examiner
will set this question with an internal choice).

Q.6. Grammer:
i. Using nouns as verbs or vice-versa 5 marks
ii. Combining pairs of sentences using words given in the brackets 5 marks
iii. Text-based Idioms and Phrases 5 marks
(The examiner will set four different grammar excercises for every section of Q.5 based on the
prescribed text in such a way that most of the activities students have done in the class are adequately

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