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Table of Contents

1. Nature and Features of Indian Party System
2. National Political Parties
3. Regional Political Parties
4. The Election Commission of India and Electoral Reforms
5. Pressure Groups in Indian Politics
6. Voting Behaviour in India
7. Emerging Trends in Indian Politics
8. Casteism in Indian Politics
9. Religion and Indian Politics
10. Regionalism and Indian Politics
11. Basic Principles of India’s Foreign Policy
12. Determinants of India’s Foreign Policy
13. Non-Alignment
Max. Marks : 100
Theory : 90 marks
Internal Assessment : 10 marks
Time : 3 Hours.

Objectives :
The aim of this paper is to enrich the student’s understanding of the working of the Indian political system
with reference to political parties, the party system, elections and voting behaviour. Units III and IV of the
paper examine in detail certain key issues and debates in contemporary India.

(i) The syllabus has been divided into four units :
There shall be 9 questions in all. The first question is compulsory and shall be short answer type
containing 15 short questions spread over the whole syllabus to be answered in about 10-20
words each. The candidates are required to attempt any 9 short answer type questions carrying 18
marks i.e. 2 marks of each. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each unit shall have two essay
type questions, and the candidate shall be given internal choice of attempting one question from
each Unit – 4 in all. Each question will carry 18 marks.
(ii) For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks
secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper
in lieu of internal assessment.
The paper setter must put note (ii) in the question paper.

1. Nature of party system in India : A critical evaluation.
2. National Political Parties [Indian National Congress, BJP, CPI, CPI(M), BSP] : Ideology,
Policy and Programmes
 3. Regional Political Parties (SAD, DMK, AIDMK) : Ideology, Policy and Programmes.

1. The Election Commission : A critical evaluation and electoral reforms in India.
2. Pressure Groups in Indian Politics- Types & Role
3. Voting Behaviour in India – its Determinants.

1. Emerging Trends in Indian Politics.
2. Role of Caste, Religion in Indian Politics.
3. Regionalism in Indian Politics-its causes & impact.

1. Basic principles and determinants of Indian Foreign Policy.
2. Non-alignment : Meaning and Nature.
3. Non-alignment Movement- its Relevance.

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