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  • Q1
    Who are the authors of this book?

    The book is authored by Amanpreet Kaur and Harpreet Kaur Wadhwa.

  • Q2
    Who is the intended audience for this book?

    This textbook is specifically crafted for BCA (Bachelor in Computer Applications) students entering their third year, particularly for semester 5 at Panjab University, Chandigarh.

  • Q3
    Why is a solid foundation in discrete mathematics important for computer science students?

    Discrete mathematics provides essential principles and tools that underlie various areas of computer science, including algorithms, data structures, cryptography, and programming. It helps students understand theoretical concepts and practical applications critical to their future careers in technology.

  • Q4
    What key topics are covered in this book?

    The book covers several critical areas of discrete mathematics, including: Set theory Relations Functions Recursion and recurrence relations Graph theory Finite state machines and languages Analysis of algorithms

  • Q5
    How is the content organized in the book?

    The content is organized into seven chapters, each focusing on a specific area of discrete mathematics, complemented by question papers at the end for practice.

  • Q6
    What features does the book offer to enhance learning?

    The book includes: Clear explanations of complex concepts Practical examples linking theory to programming practice Engaging problem sets, particularly in graph theory A dedicated section for analyzing algorithms Question papers for self-assessment and exam preparation

  • Q7
    What skills can students expect to develop from this textbook?

    Students can expect to develop analytical and problem-solving skills, an understanding of mathematical concepts in computer science, proficiency in recursion and graph theory, as well as competency in analyzing algorithm efficiency.

  • Q8
    Are there any prerequisites for studying this book?

    While prior knowledge of basic mathematical concepts is helpful, the book is designed to be accessible to students entering the third year of their BCA program. It builds from fundamental topics to more complex ideas.

  • Q9
    How does the book assist in exam preparation?

    The book includes question papers at the end, allowing students to practice and familiarize themselves with the types of questions that may appear in exams, helping to build confidence as they prepare.

  • Q10
    Does the book cover practical applications of discrete mathematics?

    Yes, the book emphasizes practical applications, particularly in programming and algorithm design, helping students bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and real-world coding practices.


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1.Introduction to object-oriented programming (Page no. 1.1-1.12)
2.Introduction to java (Page no. 2.1-2.19)
3.Fundamentals of Java (Page no. 3.1-3.36) 
4.Input output Basics (Page no. 4.1-4.16)
5.Java Control Structures (Page no. 5.1-5.34)
6.Java Classes and Objects (Page no. 6.1-6.26)
7.Inheritance and Interfaces (Page no. 7.1-7.30)
8.Java packages (Page no. 8.1-8.21)
9.Arrays and strings (Page no. 9.1-9.38)
10.Exception handling (Page no. 10.1-10.17)
11.Multi-threaded programming (Page no. 11.1-11.39) 
12.Applet and graphics programming (Page no. 12.1-12.25)
13.AWT and event handling (Page no. 13.1-13.45)
14.Managing data with relational database (Page no. 14.1-14.26)
15.Java database connectivity (Page no. 15.1-15.29)
16.Minor project (Page no. 16.1-16.55)
Question paper (1-2)
External Marks : 65
Internal marks : 10
Number of Lectures : 60

Note : 
(i) The Question paper will consist of four sections.
(ii) Examiner will set total of NINE questions comprising TWO questions from each section and ONE Compulsory question of short answer type covering whole syllabi.
(iii) The students are required to attempt ONE question from each section and the compulsory question.
(iv) All questions carry equal marks unless specified.

Unit - 1 
Java and the Internet: The Java programming language and its characteristics; Java development kit, Java run-time environment; Java compiler
Fundamentals of Java: Java Vs. C++, Byte Code, Java Virtual machine, Constants, Variables, data types, operators, expressions, control structures, defining class, creating objects, accessing class members, constructors, Garbage Collection, Method overloading, Inheritance: Different types of Inheritance, member access, using super keyword to cell super class constructors, creating a multilevel hierarchy, method overriding, dynamic methods dispatch, using abstract classes, using Final keyword.

Unit - 2
I/O Basics: Streams, the predefined streams; Reading console Input, Writing console Output.
Arrays and Strings: One-dimensional and two-dimensional Arrays, String Handling using String and String Buffer class, Functions. 
Packages : Types of Packages, Defining a package, Importing packages, Access protection Interfaces: Defining and Interface, Implementing Interface and Abstract classes.

Unit - 3
Exception Handling: Java Exception handling model, Types of exception, using Try and catch, Multiple Try and catch clauses, Nested try statements, finally block, user defined exceptions.
Multi-threaded programming: The Java thread model, the thread class and Runnable interface, Creating a thread using Runnable Interface and extending thread, creating multiple threads, Thread priorities, Synchronizations: methods, Statements, Inter Threads Communication, Deadlock, Suspending, Resuming and stopping Threads.
Applet programming: Introduction, Types of applet, Life Cycle, Incorporating and applet into web page using applet tag, running applets, using Graphics class and its methods to draw lines, rectangles, circles, ellipses, arcs and polygons.

Unit - 4
Using AWT Controls: Introduction to AWT, Creating GUI applications using AWT, AWT controls: label, Textbox, Textarea, Check Boxes, Radio Buttons, Choice lists, Understandings layout Managers: Flowlayout, Borderlayout, Gridlayout; Introduction to Event handling using Delegation event model. 
Introduction to Java Database connectivity(JDBC): JDBC Architecture, JDBC Drivers, java. SQL package, Connecting to the Database and performing basic database operation like insert, delete, update and select.

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