There will be one paper of 40 marks; 5 marks are reserved for the internal assessment and 5 for the
Practical Work. Total is 50.
Teaching Hours per week: 04
The paper shall consist of two units. Unit I will be text specific, and Unit II shall deal with different
aspects of communication and language skills.
For Unit I, the prescribed text is Varieties of Expression, Ed. A. H. Tak, Foundation Books. Only four
prose chapters and two dramas have been recommended for the study. The relevant sections, however,
are as follows:
Unit I
Prose: Chapters 1-4
Drama: Dramas 1-2
Unit II
Note (iv): No textbook is recommended for Unit II, but a few books that may be used for this unit are listed.
towards the end. Unit II shall consist of the following:
Business Communication: It shall focus on different aspects of communication in general and business.
communication in particular, communication within organizations, types of communication, and
significance of positive attitude in improving communication.
Writing Skills: This section shall focus on letters of all kinds, tender notices, auction notices, and public notices.
and memos.
There will be one paper of 40 marks; 5 marks are reserved for the internal assessment and 5 for the
Practical Work. Total is 50.
Teaching Hours per week: 04
The paper shall consist of two units. Unit I will be text specific, and Unit II shall deal with different
aspects of communications and language skills.
For Unit I, the prescribed text is Varieties of Expression, Ed. A. H. Tak, Foundation Books. Only four
prose chapters and two dramas have been recommended for the study. The relevant sections, however,
are as follows:
Unit I
Prose: Chapters 5-8
Drama: Dramas 3-4
Unit II
Note (iv): No textbook is recommended for Unit II, but a few books that may be used for this unit are listed.
towards the end. Unit II shall consist of the following:
Writing Skills: This section shall focus on précis writing, curriculum vitae, short, formal reports (not
exceeding 200 words) and advertisements relating to product promotion, etc.
Modern Forms of Communication: Here special emphasis shall be given to teaching the format of E-mails,
Fax Messages, Audio-Visual Aids, and PowerPoint Presentations. Apart
from this, the students shall also be given basic lessons in effective
Listening, Non-Verbal Communication. How to Prepare for an Interview &
Group Discussion, etc.