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Total marks : 100
Theory : 90
Internal Assessment : 10 Marks
Time : 3 Hours

Instructions for the paper - setter and candidates 
1.The syllabus have been divided into four units.
There shall be 9 questions in all. The first question is compulsory and shall be short answer type containing 15 short question spread over the whole syllabus to be answered in about 25 to 30 words each. The candidates are required to attempt any 9 short answer type questions carrying 18 marks i.e. 2 marks of each. Rest of the paper shall contain 4 units. Each unit shall have two essay type questions and the candidate shall be given internal choice of attempting one question from each Unit- 4 in all. Each questions will carry 18 marks.

2.One question from unit- 4 shall be set on the map.
3.For private candidates, who have not been assessed earlier for internal assessment, the marks secured by them in theory paper will proportionately be increased to maximum marks of the paper in lieu of internal assessment.

The paper - setter must put note (III) in the question paper.
Explanation : 
1.Each essay type question would cover about one - third or one - half of a topic detailed in the syllabus.
2.The distribution of marks for the map question would be as under :

MAP : 10 Marks 
Explanatory Note : 08 marks 

In case, a proper setter chooses to set a question of map on important historical places, the paper setter will be required to ask the students to mark 10 places on map of 1 mark each and write each write explanatory note on any 4 of 2 marks each.

3.The paper-setter would avoid repetition between different types of questions within one question paper.

Unit - 1
1.Foundation of British Rule : Circumstances leading to the battles of plassey and buxer and their significance ; Reforms of Warren hastings.
2.Administrative reforms : Reforms of Cornwallis, william bentincs and Dalhousie.
3.The uprising of 1857 : Political, Social - religious, economics and immediate causes ; failure; results.

4.Economic changes : British Agrarian policies; commercialization of agriculture; rural indebtedness; deindustrialization and growth of modern industry; theory of economic drain.
5.Socio- Religious reforms movement : Brahmo Samaj; Aligarh movement Arya samaj, Ramakrishna Mission.
6.Depressed classes Movement : Contribution of Jyotiba Phule, B.R. Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi.

7.Growth of Political Consciousness : Causes for the growth of political consciousness/Nationalism, foundation of the Indian National Congress; national movement upto 1919.
8.India National movement : Gandhi's emergence; circumstances leading to the non cooperation movement and its significance; demand for complete independence; the civil disobedience movement.
9.Rise of Communal political : Factors responsible for the growth of communal politics; separate electorate; Muslim league and Pakistan resolution.

Unit - 4 
10.Towards Partition and independence : Quit India Movement; British Proposals for Independence; Indian Independence act of 1947.
11.Significant development after Independence. 1947-64 : Making of the constitution;integration of princely states; the reorganisation of states.
12.Map : (a) Important Historical places - Delhi , Calcutta, Madras , Bombay, Goa , Pondicherry, Surat, Plassey, Buxar, Gwalior, Jhansi, Hyderabad, Sabarmati, Amritsar, Lucknow, Lahore and Aligarh.
(b)Extent of the British Empire in 1856.
(c)Republic of India in 1950.

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