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1.A Freedom at midnight 

1.B Night of the scorpion 

1.C Driving miss daisy 

2.A Ulysses

2.B Our urgent need for self-esteem

3.A Kalahandi 

3.B Climatic change and human strategy

3.C Corruption:causes,consequence and agenda for further research 

3.C.1 The first atom bomb


1.essay writing 



2.Correct the sentences

University paper 

Max Marks : 50
Theory : 45 Marks
Internal Assessment : 05  
Time Allowed : 3 Hours 

Section - A (Poetry & Prose)

Q.1.Reference to the context only from Poerty. One out of two given stanzas. (5 Marks)

Q.2.The Examiner will set eight short questions from Poetry & Prose Sections of the prescribed text, out of which a student shall be expected to attempt only five selecting, at least, two  from each section (to be answered in not more than 60-80 words). These questions may be drawn from each of the units given in the text. (10 Marks)

Q.3.The examiner shall set four questions (on the pattern of questions for critical analysis suggested in the prescribed text) again from poetry & Prose Sections  of the text, out of which a student is expected to attempt only two selecting, at least, one from each section (to be answered in not more than 150-180 words), The questions should be chosen in such a manner that all the units given in the text are covered. (10 Marks )

Sections - B (Composition & Grammar)

Q.4.Write an essay (in not more than 500 words), choosing one topic out of the given four. A wide range of topics should be given and in this respect ideas  may be drawn from the prescribed text. (10 Marks )

Q.5.(a)Antonyms - Ten out of fifteen. (5 Marks )
(b)Correct the sentences- ten out of fifteen. (5 Marks) 

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